Committee on the youth policy of the Rostov region - Updating and modernization of the official site

Customer: Committee on the youth policy of the Rostov region
Start date: 18.08.2011
End date: 01.11.2011
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As a result of the spent updatings functionality has considerably extended:
- are introduced the version for visually impaired and audiorecords for blind and visually impaired;
- pages and sections are added: Regional Educational institutions, History Success, Breadboard models of advertizing production;
- appearance and functionality of a photo gallery is processed;
- updating of mailing from a site is spent.
Involved experts - 5 men:
Manager (Горелько Екатерина); Web developer - 2 (Рыбальченко Роман, Стаценко Александр); Designer (Михайлова Анна); QA-tester (Сетраков Олег)